Students have a million different things flooding their minds when preparing for the transition to college life, so why make it harder on yourself than it needs to be. You don't have to settle for less than what you want when searching for student housing in Norman,...

Student Accommodation Center
3 Tips for Students Searching for Apartments Near West Tennessee St
The search for the perfect apartment is a time-consuming and stressful task. Many factors must be considered, such as distance to campus, cost of rent, availability of parking spaces, proximity to public transportation and grocery stores. It's important not only to...
Top 4 Advantages of Living in the University of Alabama Off-Campus Housing
College is a time of freedom, new experiences, and opportunities. It's also a time when you're going to be living by yourself for the first time. Whether it's your first year away from home or you've been out on your own before, some things can make living off-campus...
Essential Questions to Ask When Finding an Apartment in South Carolina
There are certain questions that are crucial to know the answers to before renting an apartment. Making sure you know the answers to these questions will help you feel confident when making a decision about off-campus student housing near the University of South...
The Perks That Come Along With Off-Campus Housing
Many times, you may think that something has to go wrong with your current situation before you look for something better. However, even if you like living in dorms or at home with your parents, you can still consider an arrangement that is better. There are...